Acting - WARM UPS
When I first started to take my acting career in my own hand I discovered the wealth of information on YouTube, which transformed my approach to preparation. I started using it as my personal acting class, curating playlists filled with invaluable videos that guided me through various warm-up techniques.In this section, I want to share some essential tips and reference videos that can help you kick-start your own warm-up routine. Whether you're rehearsing for a role or simply looking to improve your craft, these resources will provide you with a solid foundation. Additionally, I’ve included key words to help you explore further on your own. Embracing warm-ups as a vital part of your practice will not only enhance your performance but also boost your confidence as an actor.
Acting - WARM UPS
When I first started to take my acting career in my own hand I discovered the wealth of information on YouTube, which transformed my approach to preparation. I started using it as my personal acting class, curating playlists filled with invaluable videos that guided me through various warm-up techniques.In this section, I want to share some essential tips and reference videos that can help you kick-start your own warm-up routine. Whether you're rehearsing for a role or simply looking to improve your craft, these resources will provide you with a solid foundation. Additionally, I’ve included key words to help you explore further on your own. Embracing warm-ups as a vital part of your practice will not only enhance your performance but also boost your confidence as an actor.
Disclaimer: The following resources are for reference purposes only and do not constitute an endorsment.
- #BreathingTechniquesForActors
- #ArticulationDrills
- #ResonanceExercises
- #WarmUpTalking
- #VocalScales
- #TongueTwisters
- #VoiceProjectionTechniques
- #PitchExercises
- #DictionExercises
- #VocalHealthTips
- #WarmUpSongs​​​
​​- #PhysicalWarmUpExercises
- #BodyStretchingForActors
- #MovementWarmUps
- #PhysicalExercisesForPerformers
- #ActorFlexibilityExercises
- #YogaForActors
- #BodyAwarenessExercises
- #PhysicalVocalWarmUp
- #CirculationExercises
- #AlignmentExercises
- #MuscleLooseningExercises
- #DynamicStretchingForActors
- #VocalAndPhysicalWarmUps
- #CompleteWarmUpRoutineForActors
- #ActorWarmUpTechniques
- #WarmUpRoutineForTheater
- #PreparationExercisesForPerformers